

72,89 112,20 

  • Supplied in 600mm Lengths
  • 3.5 thickness available


Z-Wear is a really tough, PM alloy made by Zapp Steels. It is very similar to CPM-3V but with more Carbon and 1% Tungsten (Something not found in CPM-3V).  It also can get to a higher working hardness than CPM-3V..

Supplied surface ground and in 600mm lengths.

Suggested Heat Treatments for Z-Wear:

1st preheating 1200-1250°F (648-676°C)

2nd preheating 1500-1550 °F (810-845°C)Tempering 2 x each 2 hours as specified in table

Tempering – 2 x each 2 hours

Preferred quench method is high pressure inert gas
(minimum 6 bar) or molten salt at 1025°F (551°C).

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Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Width (mm)

30, 40, 50

Thickness (mm)
